Thursday, March 13, 2014

Not the best start.....

So I said I would post twice a week and I think that the reality of that is not so great. Why don't I just say as much as I can, and we call it even.  

This week ISAT's has begun in my school it is the slow torturing of children that I like to call hell for two weeks a year now.  It is the last year of ISAT's but no testing is not going away it is just getting harder and longer! Oh golly I am just so excited.  It was interesting giving the test with out being in pain you really see and feel how much the kids are suffering.  I wish that I could just do some sort of magic and make it so that they could all pass! None teacher readers I will now step off my teacher pedestal so you don't get too board.

I have read three amazingly trashy romance novels this week and have loved every second of it  Not crashing at 8:00 pm really does have its upsides.  I get to watch a few more shows and stay up and see my husband maybe even eat dinner with him.  I mean come on it is great! Now I am in no way saying that I am staying up late but 9:30 or 10:00 is pretty late to me.  I used to come home from school and just crash. 

This Saturday is when everyone is celebrating St Patty's Day parties.  I am so excited to be "Present" at those parties that we will be going to on Saturday in more ways than one.  I will be present just by being there yes.  But what I really mean is that my mind and soul will be there.  I will be able to have conversations while not thinking.  "Does this person see how much pain I am in?", "Did they just see me flinch", "How much more talking can I do with out bursting in tears."  See before my surgery these thoughts were running through my head and so much more.  Sometimes it would even be how much longer do I need to stay to make sure I do not insult anyone.  I have done the IRISH fade (or Irish Exit if you would rather) many times and gotten away with it for a very long time.  (Not sure how great that is... hahah) My fraternity son get pretty mad and has called me out on several occasions.  But you see my dear friends, I was merely trying to leave with out causing a scene or telling everyone I was just in too much pain to sit there with a smile on my face.  But still I have perfected something my ancestors created many moons ago! This thought makes me giggle I can just see my Great Grandpa just walking out of a pub and not saying boo about it.  The good old people of County Cork most like enjoyed it very much.  I did just try and research where the term Irish Exit came from and it only brought up Urban Dictionary.  So please if you know it's origin do share.  It would be such a fun thing to share on Saturday.

Well thanks for reading! If you made it to this point you deserve a shot of Jameson.  I did get on to a little bit of a ramble.

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